Put your confidence front and center.

At Pinnacle Cosmetic, our foundation was built on the highest standards for best-in-class plastic surgery and cosmetic care. Whether you’re looking for plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures for your face, breasts, body or gender confirmation, you can count on us to provide the highest level of quality care.

An origin in excellence

Excellence in plastic surgery and aesthetics is all about attention to the details. That’s why we offer the most advanced, effective and proven cosmetic procedures to enhance your appearance and boost your self-confidence. From the beginning, we’ve specialized in delivering graceful and elegant results based on our patients’ goals and desires.

A journey of joy

Pinnacle Cosmetic believes we can help everyone we treat reveal their individual inner beauty. From our initial interaction to your postoperative visit, we focus on the fine points to make sure your overall experience is exemplary. All of us at Pinnacle Cosmetic strive to provide every person who walks through our doors with a measure of joy in the way that we care for them as patients and join them on their journey of self-improvement.

Beauty in safety

We believe in only offering safe and affordable options to every patient who has made Pinnacle Cosmetic their home. We have a saying, “If we cannot perform surgery safely, then we cannot perform surgery.” You can enjoy peace of mind knowing that we research carefully and only recommend the most reliable nonsurgical and surgical solutions that we believe will provide the best and most consistent results. In addition, every cosmetic service we offer is performed in a setting that includes board-certified, highly trained medical and/or cosmetic professionals.

About Pinnacle

Pinnacle is comprised of two brands: Pinnacle Dermatology and Pinnacle Cosmetic. Pinnacle Dermatology is the largest multistate female-founded and -owned dermatology network in the U.S. Pinnacle Cosmetic is a growing leader in plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures with major surgical centers in Minneapolis, MN, and Nashville, TN. Both of our brands are committed to bringing you the very best in comprehensive skin care, plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures — so that you can achieve a confident, healthier and more beautiful you.