Body Procedures

Tummy Tuck


Many women desire a tummy tuck after having lost weight, post-pregnancy and even to correct loose skin of the abdomen due to aging. For patients who have an excess of abdominal skin and loose abdominal muscles, an abdominoplasty may be a great choice. During the initial consultation, our doctors will evaluate your medical history and determine if a tummy…

Upper Arm Lift


Women who have larger upper arms or excess, sagging skin of the upper arms might be too self-conscious to wear certain styles of tops such as short-sleeved and sleeveless shirts. Often, sleeves of clothing are too tight in the upper arm area, which limits fashion choices. Upper arm surgery or brachial surgery gives these women the confidence and ability to wear clothes more comfortably…

Body Contouring

Body contouring is a general term used when removal of excess skin and liposuction are combined to reshape the contour of the body. Often, body contouring is necessary after massive weight loss either after diet and exercise or bariatric weight loss surgeries such as gastric bypass and Lap-Band placement. Popular areas addressed during body contouring include the lower body, upper arms, abdomen, breasts, and chest…

Lower Body Lifts

Aging, pregnancy, and massive weight loss due to diet and exercise or gastric bypass surgery, as well as genetic factors, may contribute to poor tissue elasticity and can result in sagging of the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. In general, a body lift reduces excess fat, reshaping the contour of the lower body. A lower body lift can improve your body image and enhance self-confidence.

Mommy Makeovers