Breast Procedures

Breast Enlargement


Breast enlargement, or augmentation, is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures. Breast augmentation can enhance the breast tissue you already have or it can restore breast fullness after weight loss and childbirth. It can make patients feel more comfortable and confident, and can give more choices for fashion options.

Breast Lift


A Breast Lift (Mastopexy) is appropriate for women of all ages who are dissatisfied with the position of their breasts. It is especially common for women to notice sagging or drooping breasts requiring a breast lift surgery after childbirth and weight loss. Many times women will opt to combine a breast lift with a breast augmentation surgery using a breast implant to reshape and give.

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery can be performed for cosmetic purposes, but is most often considered a medical necessity when large breasts cause a woman back, neck and chest pain, headaches, and skin rashes. Breast reduction surgery also gives a woman more clothing options, improves her confidence, and allows her an active daily lifestyle. These patients now enjoy their results from their breast reduction.